The Nordy Pod

Ep 11. Brothers & Partners: Pete, Erik & Blake Nordstrom

Episode Summary

Back in Episode 2, I sat down with my brother Erik and our cousin Jamie, and we talked more broadly about the company and the Nordstrom name. This time it's just me and Erik, and we're diving deeper into some of the more intimate details of growing up and working together in the family business. I really enjoyed this opportunity to sit and chat with Erik as we reminisced about our shared journey and about our older brother Blake while he was still with us. For those of you who don't know, Blake passed away unexpectedly in 2019. It was a jarring situation for us personally, but also for the company. We're pretty close in age and we followed a pretty similar path growing up through the business, but Blake really deserves the lion's share of the credit for holding us together as a unit and making sure we were aligned in our presentation to the company and to the public. He's very missed, both by the family and by our colleagues, so it was fun for Erik and I to sit and talk about Blake in this way. It's a difficult subject for us, but there's a lot to celebrate about the legacy that he's left and the impression he's made on so many people. After that we have something special that we'd like to share called the John W. Nordstrom Award. We give this award annually to a manager who has displayed exceptional service over a long period of time. We don't typically broadcast these types of things outside our four walls, but we thought, "Hey, we've got a podcast now! Why not honor this person's efforts on a larger stage?" Thanks for tuning in to episode 11. We hope you enjoy it! Did you know that YOU can be on The Nordy Pod? This show isn't just a one-way conversation. We want to hear about what Nordstrom looks like through your eyes. Share your Nordstrom experience, good or bad, by giving us a call and leaving a voicemail at: 206.594.0526, or send an email to to be a part of the conversation!